The role of Madeline was originally going to be cast with Marie Spinka after the success of "Die Macht der Träume (2016)", which would bring her back together with her brother Paul Spinka. But due to schedule conflicts she could not accept the part this time, so the female lead role was cast with Melanie Kräupl instead.
This movie was shot in 17 days between December 2017 and April 2018.
Out of all 27 Cast & Crew Members only 8 knew about the ending of the film. The ending was kept secret by Stephan Taubert and the last five scenes were not given to all cast members exept the ones that are involved in the finale. So most members of the team won't know who the killer is until the movies premiere on November 17th, 2018.
This is Stephan Tauberts first movie to be filmed directly in black and white, apart from one scene where a greenscreen had to be used. Others like "An Inspector Calls (2006)", "Isabells Traum (2009)" or "Sieben Nächte am See (2010)" had black and white sequences, but they were filmed in color and later turned black and white during postproduction.
First starringrole for Stephan Taubert after two years, taking a break from filmmaking after the huge success of "Die Macht der Träume (2016)".