Judi Dench credited as playing...
- Joan: [Reading a statement to the reporters outside her house]
- Joan: I have been accused of passing information to the Russians in the 1940s, information which accelerated their ability to build an atomic bomb. And I have been accused of deceiving my colleagues and my family. This I don't deny. But I have also been accused of deceiving my country.
- Joan: [Looks up from her notes and straight at the reporters and into their cameras]
- Joan: I'm not a spy. I don't believe in working against one's country. I wanted the Russians to be on an equal footing with the West. I'm not a traitor. I... wanted everyone to share the same knowledge because...
- Reporter: How much did the Russians pay you?
- Joan: Because only that way could the horror of another war be averted. And I think if you look back at history, you'll see I was right.
- Nick: You're a traitor.
- Joan Stanley: To what? To millions more dying? I was fighting for the living.
- Joan Stanley: I thought if both sides had the same weapon that could destroy each other, then neither side would use it. And I was in a unique position, I could defuse their bomb. so I did. And I was right, wasn't I? They haven't used it, not for 50 years.
- Joan Stanley: Have they? Have they?