Judy Reilly wakes up on her 16th birthday to find that her period has become a gigantic sentient monster that can say her name. This is perfectly normal and fine.
Judy's alien powers make her suspiciously good at volleyball, which begs the question - is there volleyball in space? This question will not be answered in this episode, or in this season, or at all, ever. We will never, ever know.
What laws of physics? Judy sneezes herself into the future and there's a monster and a spaceship and a super hot guy with an eye patch and she gets to wear a tiara.
Mr. Russo didn't show up to class today, and according to the transitive property of best friendshipdom, that gives Judy and Cory probable cause to search his apartment.
You know what's fun? Thinking you're going to be an alien diplomat, and then instead working at a diner where all the kids who make fun of you can go to make fun of you and you can't leave.
Judy gets internet famous, Iris considers poisoning the town's water supply, and everyone gets together for a good old-fashioned government conspiracy.
Judy and Cory throw an enormous house party while Iris is out of town, complete with human teenagers, alien drugs and something disgusting happening in the bathroom.
After a brief but bizarre interaction with a group of aliens at her party, Judy starts to feel funny. When her symptoms worsen the next day, the school nurse tells her she appears to be pregnant. Fortunately, Mr. Russo knows about a secret clinic for aliens living on Earth.
When Melissa and her friends catch Iris and Russo making out in the parking lot, Judy is so mortified that she literally turns invisible. She flees the school and hides in Iris's car, inadvertently becoming a fly on the wall for the rest of Iris's day.