Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018)
Fred Rogers: Self
Fred Rogers : From the time you were very little, you've had people who have smiled you into smiling, people who have talked you into talking, sung you into singing, loved you into loving. So, on this extra special day, let's take some time to think of those extra special people. Some of them may be right here, some may be far away. Some may even be in heaven. No matter where they are, deep down you know they've always wanted what was best for you. They've always cared about you beyond measure and have encouraged you to be true to the best within you. Let's just take a minute of silence to think about those people now.
Fred Rogers : Love is at the root of everything - all learning, all parenting, all relationships. Love or the lack of it. And what we see and hear on the screen is part of who we become.
Fred Rogers : The greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving.
Fred Rogers : Well, I suppose it's an invitation, "Won't you be my neighbor?" It's an invitation for somebody to be close to you.
Fred Rogers : [to politicians] We need to help our children become more and more aware that what is essential in life is invisible to the eye.
[first lines]
Fred Rogers : [at his piano] Come on over a minute. I just had some ideas that I've been thinking about for quite while about modulation. It seems to me that there are different themes in life, and one of my main jobs, it seems to me, is to help, through the mass media for children, to help children through some of the difficult modulations of life.
Fred Rogers : I think that those who would try to make you feel less than who you are, I think that's the greatest evil.
Fred Rogers : [sternly] I am tired of hearing people who have long ago set aside the concerns of childhood, telling everybody what children really need. I'll tell you what children need. They need adults who will protect them from the ever-ready molders of their world.