After watching this documentary, I was so proud of Adam Goodes and his behavior throughout what was another difficult and trying time in his life.
He rose to the top of his profession, received the top accolades and awards, as well as "Australian of the Year", with all the humility and grace that is so often rarely seen these days. Adam will go down in history as one of our most finest, deserving and influential Australians. The cream of the crop!
But now to the booing crowds.
What a disgrace! You know you are disgraceful and now, thanks to TV, we all saw you at you worst. Your actions speak to your characters, or rather the lack there of. And to think, you will all go down in history as bullying morons. Bad karma indeed.
Lastly, to the bottom of the barrel scum who are inflicted upon us, no matter how hard we try to avoid their bigoted, malicious, hateful, uninformed, opinions.....the media commentators!
Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones, Miranda Divine, Steve Price and the ridiculous Sam Newman.
It warms my heart, that all of you will go down in our nations history as warty, plague ridden, red neck cockroaches, infesting our lives with your filth but ultimately showing us what evil tongues can spit out. A great lesson for the youth of tomorrow.
A huge congratulations to all involved in the fact gathering and making of this documentary. You have provided a hugely valuable resource, to be shown to all, young and old, the damaging effects that racism and the opinions of decaying old white people have on our nations heart and soul.
Adam Goodes, thank you for being such a fantastic, talented and beautiful role model to us all. Maybe your best is yet to come, I wish you great luck and joy.