17 reviews
I am in love with this series. Although it feels a little bit staged and scripted this series has my heart. I saw 2 episodes and I can feel the joy and fun they have bursting through my screen. It's a great feel-good series and with it being Disney it has that extra sparkle, tears of joy here every time!
- djoekeoeij
- Nov 15, 2019
- Permalink
This show is about much more than recreating a musical from high school. It's a chance for the participants - and the viewers - to look back on themselves (ourselves) as high schoolers in light of who they (we) are today. I didn't expect that at all but that's the enjoyment I get from this show. The fact that the show edits the most dramatic parts into the broadcast are to be expected - i see beyond that and enjoy thinking about reconnecting with the people and things I liked most then in the context of who I am today. That's the real pleasure this show provides.
{Initial Impression} This is a series for every person who found their place in the high school drama / musical theatre group. These are mini-documentaries, of sorts, that reunite adults with their high school selves by recreating their high school musical IN 5 DAYS. A mix of nostalgia and healing. Great human stories. Great musical moments. I felt all of those emotions (and belted out a few of the songs, too, from my LaZboy). I give this series a 7 (good) out of 10. {Reality Documentary}
- nancyldraper
- Nov 28, 2019
- Permalink
Any former theatre kid would love this show and geek out over each episode. The nuances of the behind the scenes of theatrical performances were spot on. The emotions are raw. The friendships and relationships are legit. This is a show beautifully crafted and filmed. Flashbacks of original performances and moments are intertwined throughout each episode to mirror the modern encore performance. It's a fantastic throwback and a fresh performance all in one. I will continue watching each episode and I would 100% recommend to my friends. Especially those who I was in theatre with.
- caitlinweber-73675
- Nov 16, 2019
- Permalink
So far there is only one episode out, but I am hooked. This show is funny and moving and I absolutely loved it. Being a previous theatre kid myself, I loved being able to watch others experience their comeback and wish I could have mine as well. I could definitely feel the emotion as everyone recreated their performance. This show actually made me cry. Can't wait for the next episodes!
- nicoleanne-93708
- Nov 14, 2019
- Permalink
I initially was hesitant to watch, knowing that it would probably pull up a part of my younger life that I miss terribly. As the episodes continue to unfold, I am continually surprised at how each episode starts fairly formulaic and then takes me to a different emotional place along with the actors & cast!!
The participants are drawn from all eras & geographic locations, but shows us the common thread we all experienced and loved!
As a guy now in his mid 60's, I totally empathize with each episode's participants, their thoughts, fears, life choice journeys, etc. They show us that we can, for a moment, go back and have a bit of our past " glory"!! And yes, I cry with joy, each episode for the opportunities that the participants have been given to " go home again " one more time!!!
This has been a really good show surprisingly. I clicked on it by accident and now I can't stop watching it can season 2 come out already. Watching the show took me back to high school and my Play production days .
- sruiz-32661
- Jan 2, 2020
- Permalink
I have watched 5 of these so far. I can identify with most people on this show. Such a great thing how they have gone back to do an encore of their school production. It's more than just redoing a school production, there is alot of catching up, working out issues as they go. 5 days such a big thing to pull off in that time. Im sure it must have quite an impact on them going forward.
My only gripe with this show is Kristen Bell, 1minute at the beginning and so far appearing once to see one of the shows, the very first one- it was great, just a shame they didn't stick with that, having her along for some of the journey. Popping up once or twice each episode. Otherwise someone else could have done the host role. it's a bit jarring having different directors etc be good for the audience to at least have continuity with a host that's in all or most of them along for the journey.
- bgarrettnz
- Jan 3, 2020
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I love the whole idea of this show and have really enjoyed it. I have yet to watch an episode that hasn't touched my heart. This will appeal to every theater fan!
- ktrimue-270-302048
- May 14, 2020
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What a wholesome, touching show. It's amazing to see how similar people's theater experiences were, and it made me so nostalgic!
- merisahsilvay11
- Dec 15, 2019
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Well, I wasn't a theater buff in school nor out of it, except the occasional musical done on film. I'd say I am definitely not Disney's target audience for this show. That being said, I found "Encore" to be surprisingly easy to watch. The former high school drama club members spotlighted in each episode manage to mostly pull off a functional version of their musical, but you didn't come here to watch "stars". This show is actually about real people who live normal lives and are briefly given a shot to do what most never get to do, "go back again", and the drama these reunions may cause.
The most fascinating part of the series has been learning how individuals struggled or succeeded post HS, and unresolved issues and conflicts that arise during taping. I haven't seen anything over the top, ridiculous arguments or staged drama yet, so here's hoping Disney keeps this show on the level. My only 2 complaints are: 1) I feel like each episode is too short, because they are trying to juggle reunions, personal drama, practice, and the final show, all in less than 1 hour. My advice would be to dive deeper into the human interactions, and less about the musical itself, which would create a more compelling drama for the audience (or just make it longer). The stilted editing pace results in many story arcs without any form of resolution, so even covering them to begin with seemed like a waste of time. 2) I've noticed some repetition in the format. People reunite, air initial grievances / memories, dumb "practice" singing session (that only exists to embarrass the performers I think in an "American Idol" way), roles cast, practice, some personal drama is revealed, practice, show airs, people do "good enough", end. This repetitive narrative style may cause me to lose interest in the show quickly, but I'll keep at for a few more episodes, at least.
Beautiful and entertaining in so many ways. Loved every minute of it! Thank you for this Disney!
- sergiomauricioribeirojunior
- Mar 28, 2020
- Permalink
Love watching this show and can't wait to see the next one!! It's brings back memories when I was in high school. Love when they show their school pictures. The only thing I wish is that we are able to rate the shows too. Just for fun. I do have some favorites. Keep up the awesome work Encore! Love you guys!!!
- gi2-219-440592
- Feb 27, 2020
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This was so great watching my old alma mater Katella HS! Brought back all the great memories of our theater and choir days and it was so great to see where everyone branched out to in life! I will definitely watch every episode! Makes me miss the days of performing! Class of '99 WootWoot!! Thank you Disney, cast, crew for bringing this to life for everyone!
- plutionbenny
- Jan 8, 2020
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Not a theatre kid but hit all the feels. I could watch a season worth of each of the groups. I find myself rooting for each and every person on this show. The participants really put themselves out there and it pays off. Such an awesome idea for a show.
- constancegallant
- Jan 10, 2020
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I started participating in community theater in the 6th grade, back in the 60's. In high school, I was a member of Thespians, and we did "Fiddler on the Roof", and a childrens' theater production of "The Near-Sighted Knight and the Far-sighted Dragon. This series brought me back to my theater roots. Bravo!
I hate I didn't discover this until Disney+. It looks like it's done, but they need to somehow bring this back. I wish my high school had a theater department so I could've done something like this. So sweet. I had a big smile on my face watching every episode. I'm proud of everyone that participated!