The subject matter is certainly important, as human trafficking has become a much storied and horrific issue around the globe. This film however suffers from some of the worst editing I've ever seen in a film. Many scenes are extraordinarily drawn out for no reason, for no point whatsoever. Other parts are extremely vague, and never end up showing us what the part was even about. There is really only one interesting and remotely clever moment in the entire film, but it is quickly ruined by where it leads. None, and I do repeat none of the characters are interesting at all. Everything and everyone in the film is either quite flat or dreary, or both. The truck driver you could say is perhaps slightly interesting, but what they do with him in the story also leaves his part of the film feeling mostly pointless, and very unfitting by the end. This film is so naive, it seems as though it was written by a child. I've seen and rated thousands and thousands of films on this site. By the end of this, it really is one of the more unbalanced, pointless, and insincere stories I've ever come across. It's also amazingly boring. It tries at times to throw heavy guilt around, and yet at other times the dialogue is overly vulgar and sensationalistic without any clear reason for this at all plot wise. It really makes no sense, these parts feel so out of place. As I alluded to earlier, it seems like this was written by someone with very little real world experience in much of anything. It's a very immature film in nearly every single way, but this is not at all an immature subject. This combination just makes for a truly terrible film.