When you see a movie categorized as "arthouse", its best to stay away,
That way, you won't be sorry to have wasted 1-3 hours of your time, watching some meaningless meanderings of people/places/situations, without any real idea of what is going on.
Sure, in this "movie", there are some definite things, but what they have to do with each other and why things happen the way the "director" puts them in, is totally unknown.
The arthouse label seems to have been devised in order for piss takers to put nonsense together and to persuade the critics & the public (while chuckling under their breaths), that their movie is a cerebral exploration of %^$£@*{+!><:"{}£$%($£@.
Don't waste your time. Find a real movie to watch.
Director: best get another job, where you actually do something.