The film was produced on a very minimal budget, and the entire production crew consisted only of Ansel Faraj, Christopher Lange, David Karon, and Kelly Erin Decker & Nathan Wilson who performed double duty as both actors and crew. This team of five people managed all tasks including designing and manufacturing props; location and extras management; gaffing; focus pulling; special effects; wardrobe; and overall production coordination - in addition to their own principal jobs as Director, Cinematographer, Sound Recorder, and Lead Players, respectively.
Shot in 16 consecutive days entirely on location in Minnesota.
Ansel Faraj had cinematographer Christopher Lange study the work of cinematographer John Coquillon, specifically his work on Witchfinder General (1968), Straw Dogs (1971), and The Changeling (1980) for the look of this film.
Nathan Wilson grew up in Round Lake and most of the locations came from his childhood stomping grounds.
The film was a homecoming experience for both Nathan Wilson and Kathryn Leigh Scott, who both come from Minnesota. The film was shot in Nathan Wilson 's hometown of Round Lake, and features cameos from his mom and dad; and Kathryn Leigh Scott's brother and sister-in-law also appear in the film.