One of the standout elements of Ayalaan is the impressive CGI work done on the alien character. The expressions and emotions portrayed on the alien's face are truly captivating, adding depth to its character...
While Ayalaan may not be SK's best work, it certainly succeeds in delivering an entertaining experience. The film manages to keep the audience engaged throughout, thanks to its engaging plot and well-executed visuals. It is undoubtedly a treat for both young and old alike, making it a great choice for a family outing...
Many compromises from the director for commercialization of the movie which let him down...The director's visual storytelling shines, creating awe-inspiring scenes that transport viewers to alien landscapes. The cinematography seamlessly blends practical effects with CGI, enhancing the overall immersive experience...Ar rahmans bgm elevates the movie to a new level while the songs ain't catchy except MAANJA NEE
Overall, it is a pretty fun and adventurous film to watch especially 2k kids...