Rotten Rabbits
"Rotten Rabbits" is Part Two in The historical fiction short film series "Debutales" that follows the life of "Naomi", a privileged southern African American debutante in Savannah, Georgia d... Read all"Rotten Rabbits" is Part Two in The historical fiction short film series "Debutales" that follows the life of "Naomi", a privileged southern African American debutante in Savannah, Georgia during the 1960's, as she struggles to avoid the subjugation of integration and appreciatio... Read all"Rotten Rabbits" is Part Two in The historical fiction short film series "Debutales" that follows the life of "Naomi", a privileged southern African American debutante in Savannah, Georgia during the 1960's, as she struggles to avoid the subjugation of integration and appreciation of her Mother's love. Naomi burns her bridges in the South and insults her Mother on a r... Read all