Refugees from Syria; father and son, find sanctuary in the UK's midlands but get separated on the way.
All the elements are here for an uplifting family comedy. There is a great gang of kids, enthusiasm and some good gags. I can forgive the comedy farce elements that were over played for my taste. But the story is too complicated for the time given to it; the threads have been cut to pieces leaving it all in a midland muddle.
The brutal story editing makes sense when we get to the final act to which a lot of the movie time is devoted. We're given a long concert of songs staged in Coventry cathedral. It's really well done and does somewhat redeem the film. Sadly by then the movie had already lost the attention of most of the children in the audience who were fidgeting with boredom.
I liked the references to Coventry's own devastation to bombing in 1939 that made a connection with the young refugee.