Soul Trekkers
Synopsis: Soul Trekkers II, is the follow up to Soul Trekkers released in 2018. It fits in a stunning visual odyssey shot around the world (Costa Rica South Africa, Hawaii, Mexico, Californi... Read allSynopsis: Soul Trekkers II, is the follow up to Soul Trekkers released in 2018. It fits in a stunning visual odyssey shot around the world (Costa Rica South Africa, Hawaii, Mexico, California, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina). From rain forests to coral reefs, we meet up with t... Read allSynopsis: Soul Trekkers II, is the follow up to Soul Trekkers released in 2018. It fits in a stunning visual odyssey shot around the world (Costa Rica South Africa, Hawaii, Mexico, California, Puerto Rico, Australia, Argentina). From rain forests to coral reefs, we meet up with those trekkers who live life to the fullest as surfers, nature and ecology lovers, shapers,... Read all