What sane writer/director starts a horror film with 8-10 minutes of hymns followed by somber, soft spoken, prayer??
That alone sets up the tone of the film... and it's bad.. really bad...
After the far-too-long prayer sequence the viewer is treated to a music montage for the opening credits that also seems to go on forever...
Then the viewer is treated to just a slew of poor to dreadful acting and overly unnatural dialog delivered in the most stilted manner possible. NONE of the dialog is "natural" in tone. As if it was written, then filmed - without any scrutiny.
The "horror" aspect is primarily growling noises followed several several times with someone being dragged off into darkness... then some splattering. This happens MANY times.. same relative scene.. different character.. Repeatedly. Any indication of what may be dragging people off are done with quick flashes of, what appears to be, a dollar-store plastic mask and glove. Seriously.. looks like a cheaply made halloween costume.
I'd point out constantly rubbing one's teeth with one's fingers is NOT a sign of cocaine use. Perhaps a bit of research is merited before filming.
It's just utterly dreadful drama.. with very sparse sprinkles of very bad "horror" consisting of very bad effects.
Lots of intentionally proliferate profane language, one scene with nudity, lots of (clearly) fake blood.. and a truckload of just time-filling bad drama , acting and background music (left over from the 80s).
Really not worth anyones time or attention.
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