Once Upon a Time Series
In the enchanting anthology series "Once Upon a Time," director Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal transports viewers into a mesmerizing tapestry of ancient wisdom and timeless narratives. Comprised of tw... Read allIn the enchanting anthology series "Once Upon a Time," director Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal transports viewers into a mesmerizing tapestry of ancient wisdom and timeless narratives. Comprised of twelve short films, each installment breathes life into the profound parables of Vedic texts... Read allIn the enchanting anthology series "Once Upon a Time," director Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal transports viewers into a mesmerizing tapestry of ancient wisdom and timeless narratives. Comprised of twelve short films, each installment breathes life into the profound parables of Vedic texts, offering a contemporary lens through which to explore these sacred stories. Set against ... Read all