Gundala is a part of Jagad Sinema BumiLangit (BumiLangit Cinematic Universe), a new superhero franchise in Indonesia who bring back a thousands of Indonesia's classic supeheroes character, BumiLangit Universe based on BumiLangit Comic (Indonesia's superhero/Gundala comics publisher)
Gundala was the first Indonesian movie that using Dolby Atmos Technology.
"Gundala Putra Petir" comic has been released as a movie with the same title in 1981. But the 2019 version is not a sequel/remake of the 1981 version.
This movie based on Indonesia Superhero Comic "Gundala Putra Petir" (1969).
The film was followed up with Sri Asih (2022), the second installment from the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe (BCU).