Kenneth McGlothin credited as playing...
- [Paul opens a bottle and takes a swig.]
- Jim: Hey, calm down, dude.
- Paul: Calm down? Jesus Christ, man! I'm losing my high, and I'm realizing that we almost got fucking killed! What the fuck was that? How do they know you were at Amy's house?
- Jim: I don't know. They must have a tracking device on me or something. Shit!
- Paul: What? I was kidding! You think they really do? And they run to my store? What the fuck, man! Why don't you fuck up your own life instead of fucking up everybody else's around you? Maybe Alice was right, man. Maybe you are the problem.
- Jim: Hey, don't bring her into this.
- Paul: Why not? No, no, I'm serious. How the fuck does all this happen to somebody in one day? You lose your job. Your female leaves you. And now you have Mrs. and Mrs. Smith chasing you around 'til they fucking kill you? What the fuck, man, what's next?
- Jim: I don't know!
- Paul: Worst of all, man, you bring me into it. All I wanted to do is get my Nicki Minaji twang on. Smoke a little weed. Is that so much to ask for?
- Jim: Dude, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to bring you into this. Uh, I didn't know what to do and... and you and my mom are the only ones who haven't betrayed or hurt me in some way today. I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing, man. I mean, all these years of playing video games and watching movies, and I can't fucking outsmart these guys.
- Paul: That's because this is not a fucking movie, man! Get your head out of La La Land! And if you give me some sort of pun or smartass comment about the movie, man, I'm gonna fucking lose it.
- Jim: I won't. Dude, I'm a fuckup. I mean, I've been on autopilot for fucking years. I mean, I lied to my mom about my professional life. I haven't worked on my relationship and drove Alice into the arms of some fucking drug lord. And I have relied on you way too much. You started this business and gone up in the world. I mean, I'm fucking done with it. I promise, I'm going to get us out of this alive. And then I'm gonna get my life together. Like, I'm gonna be less of a slacker. I'm gonna be more hard-working. We should start that, um, that video rental shop we were talking about.
- Paul: We talked about that back in 1995, man!