The Door
- TV Series
- 2018–
The Door is an American crime television series created by Debbie L. Hawks. The fictional series revolves around the fictional characters of a street gang family which call themselves The Pa... Read allThe Door is an American crime television series created by Debbie L. Hawks. The fictional series revolves around the fictional characters of a street gang family which call themselves The Paper Chasers. New Jersey African American Members of this family include: O'G Smokin Guns, ... Read allThe Door is an American crime television series created by Debbie L. Hawks. The fictional series revolves around the fictional characters of a street gang family which call themselves The Paper Chasers. New Jersey African American Members of this family include: O'G Smokin Guns, his 2nd in command in Kilo, Pretty Boy, Nutty Buddy the comedian of the crew, Their finger... Read all