This modern day reality show "Churchill's Secret Agent Selection: WW2" is excellent and can't be compared with any other reality shows I have ever seen. Really enjoyed the scenes from a UK historical view with real clips and descriptions of the secret missions of the actual secret agents of the time. The show, mixed with modern day candidates to participate in a competitive training program which mirrored what the real agents went through back then, make it unique. Candidates are interviewed and chosen on individual traits that each one possess and they are quite diverse. Who will make it and who will not? My personal favorite turned out to be Jeffreys, a very small short woman you would never expect to take down a grown highly trained man in a flash - you just can't judge people. Ea. Episode is a different kind of training. One thing it may have been lacking in training however is no mention of opposite sex trickery or getting involved with the wrong woman for example. I only say this because saw a different Netflix spy doc abt US spies that got caught and it seems approx. 90%+ it was because of falling for the wrong woman or getting stabbed in the back by double agents, etc. As innocent as this show seems with serious training lets face it - the opposite sexes are being paired together in the field in real life/death situations and temptations and jealousies come into play.