Wish I could give a higher praise to the music video for "On Your Own", or at least to say something wildly enthusiastic about what is shown or
the settings of it all, if they fit with the song or not. It's not a case of a dislike, it's a case of not feeling all the magnificent emotions I get
whenever I hear it, one of The Verve most beautiful songs - also one of the saddest that it's hard for me to hear it without having tears roll down.
It's a performance from the group on a foggy street, at times with other people appearing on some obscure acts, unusual interactions, and director Jake
Scott (Ridley's son) films everything as if looking through a spyglass that doesn't give viewers a proper definition of viewed objects or people. Everything's
a mystery to us, except for Richard Ashcroft's lyrics (his face too!) echoing some hurtful truths about the human condition - but when he writes and sings
about all that pain you accept it, and enjoy the beauty of it all.
Someone may find a deeper connection between images and sounds. But honestly, didn't find
much of a memorable or fascinating way to sell a single (and back in the day music videos definitely mattered in the game), and it's no surprise why
"A Northern Soul" is a lesser known album if compared to what would come next, plus the videos for "Urban Hymns".
The praise it gets is due to the song, real music at its greatest. 7/10.