They Live Inside Us (2020) is currently streaming on Tubi. The storyline follows a struggling writer seeking inspiration for his next book. To spark his creativity, he decides to spend Halloween in a haunted house. However, he quickly finds that he may become the protagonist of his own horror story-if he can survive the night.
Directed by Michael Ballif (10/31: Part 3), the film stars James Morris (He Never Left), Stevie Dust (The Witching Season), Emily Ashby (Kangaroo Kid), and Hailey Nebeker (He Never Left).
This is a low-budget film, made on a reported $10k budget, and unfortunately, it feels like it. The narration, writing, and overall storyline are weak, and the acting leaves much to be desired. While the idea of using clowns as villains showed potential, the execution lacked follow-through, leaving the concept underwhelming. The characters fail to engage the audience, and the film lacks any standout moments or redeeming qualities. Honestly, the poster is the most memorable aspect of this production.
In conclusion, They Live Inside Us is a low-budget disappointment that I would recommend skipping. I'd give it a 3/10.