'Cam' was a film that was always going to be judged very heavily by how it ended. The reason for this is that it sets itself up in such a bizarre and fascinating way that the audience is desperate to get a satisfying conclusion. The film is very similar to 2013's 'Enemy' in terms of the story, but is also very different to that film in the sense that that film had a definitive purpose, reasoning and point.
I was actually captivated while watching 'Cam' and that is the best thing that this film has going for it. It is a very interesting watch. The pacing is great and the story is mysterious and well told. The problem though was that I was left with a bitter, unsatisfied feeling at the end. I wanted more and I wanted there to have been a purpose for spending these 90 minutes of my life watching this film. Even some very bad films over the years have at least had a purpose.
I'm a little bit torn on this film as you can possibly tell. I could've liked it a lot more than I ultimately did, but I also could've liked it a lot less. I think overall I would lean towards advising people not to spend their time on this one. The ending is simply too weak.