First Class
This is the true life story of Felix Kaputu is the story of a professor from the Congo who has the chance to stay in Europe, but prefers at first to go back home and teach where he believes ... Read allThis is the true life story of Felix Kaputu is the story of a professor from the Congo who has the chance to stay in Europe, but prefers at first to go back home and teach where he believes he belongs, in Lumumbashi. Here he quotes the classics, believing that freedom in the mind... Read allThis is the true life story of Felix Kaputu is the story of a professor from the Congo who has the chance to stay in Europe, but prefers at first to go back home and teach where he believes he belongs, in Lumumbashi. Here he quotes the classics, believing that freedom in the mind is the most important thing. But once home, a local colonel accuses him of of leading a r... Read all