A show created by Joel M. Stephens, a man who loves to see his name attached at least 9 times to every show on the worst streaming channel ever, Spydar TV . The host in very painful presentations introduces chapters of old cliffhanger serials with the talent and enthusiasm of a middle school play performer while wearing a ridiculous outfit and holding toy space guns. The credits roll and of course the Joel is credited for creating, directing, producing, set design, wardrobe, writing, and probably things we don't want to know about. All of Joel's creations are pretty similar. Show something in the public domain that introduced by one of his stable of young females (some scantily clad) reading with the skill of someone who has never read the content before and was probably waiting tables earlier in the day. If you like old movies and lots of bad ads and even some dead air then you'll like this show. You'll just have to endure the unnecessary intros.