In summary, this show is bad,bad,bad. If your on the line with this one just don't.
i actually cant believe how bad this show is. This is the first review that I have written on IMDB. I am writing because Netflix have disabled their rating/feedback feature now, and it needs to be heard that this show is an embarrassment to weed smokers, cooking show lovers and the producers of the show should be ashamed as well. I could barley make it 15 minutes in.
the contestants stories seem made up (i.e. " do you guys have any awesome weed stories?" - contestant replies "yeah one time went to the store high, and all the sudden racked up $400"). The whole thing seems really phony, every host is too earnest some how, every guest too enthusiastic.
It's typical of Netflix lately, producing products that are so over analyzed by market research and focus groups that every edge is smoothed out and rounded off. Even though they try to produce edgy material, it always just feels like over produced programming developed by buying a licence (or not in this case) and then creating exactly what people are supposed to like.