ONCE AGAIN, I'm sitting here, half an hour into writing a eloquent, informative, (I'm a journalist/Media Influencer, I own 4 Music News & Entertainment channels, and English was one of my majors in college) & historical review of this movie, when I bump my phone three slightest, it slides, the screen rotates, and THANKS TO IMDB, EVERYTHING I WROTE IS GONE!!!! This has happened more times than I can count! So you can all thank IMDB for the lack of a good review! Someone should start a petition to MAKE THEM FIX their website FINALLY!!! Because I've NEVER used another site where everything is deleted if the screen rotates!!!
So I'll keep it brief. This is AWFUL, but not for the reason you think!!! These kids are in maybe sixth or seventh grade, their teacher is the Christmas Witch(ugh... everything about her is a Santa rip-off, and they make Santa to be a jealous bad guy) & she gets kidnapped. 6 kids, typical typecast group, go after her, along the way they encounter trouble as expected, but they ALSO get into and say/ do things no 11 year olds should be doing!!! In the middle of the night in a cabin the kids are alone in, the "nerd" & The girl he's been chasing, the "perfect blonde" are about to kiss, he jumps up, runs off, finds his friend, and they have a long conversation kite EXACTLY HOW to French Kiss!!! It makes the audience very uncomfortable!! This is just the tip of the iceberg! I would NEVER let my kids watch this movie!
Topping it off, the plot stinks, the writer obviously had no foresight as to were they were going with it. You could drive a Mack truck through the plot holes!!! I'd love to explain my reasoning more in depth, but thanks to IMDB (Grrrrrrrr), all that hard work is GONE, and I am too tired to stay up any later! Goodnight all!