W. Earl Brown credited as playing...
- Jimbo: Then you come back in 8/12 time... Think Cygnus-X1: Book 2. No, no - better yet... Think The Fountain of Lamneth - first section.
- Terry: Dude, I love Rush too, but face it - chicks don't. Alright? It took me longer to get my first wife to go to a Rush concert than it did to try anal. And she said never again.
- Abel: To the concert?
- Terry: It's one of the reasons we got divorced.
- Jimbo: This is not Rush though.
- Neal: Dude, it sounds like Rush.
- Terry: No chick is gonna fuck you to a Rush song. Definitely not up the ass.
- Neal: I'm not saying we can't do originals... something simple.
- Jimbo: Tom Sawyer.
- Neal: No! Simpler... and NOT Rush.