This movie, as reported by 'The Daily Mail', ''...comes after a Tourism Australia's hilarious faux movie trailer aired during the US Super Bowl back in 2018. The big budget advert, which cost $36 million, took the form of a fake movie trailer for a new Dundee film called 'Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home' [2018].''
Actor-comedian John Cleese worked three days in Melbourne in Victoria, Australia to film his role as an Uber driver.
Paul Hogan has said that he doesn't actually portray the Mick 'Crocodile' Dundee character in this film. Despite this, the film is still entitled 'The Very Excellent Mr. Dundee'. In the movie, Hogan actually portrays a fictionalized version of himself.
The film has been notable for the number of numerous star cameo appearances it features.
In scenes throughout the film that were not location footage shot in L.A. and Hollywood the Australian city of Melbourne doubles for Los Angeles.