Derren Brown credited as playing...
- Derren Brown: This is the one life and the one body we have. We can tell ourselves a different story about it at least.
- Derren Brown: We can be kinder to ourselves and therefore to others as well because we are all doing it.
- Derren Brown: We're all telling ourselves those unhelpful stories, all of us.
- Derren Brown: Everyone you meet is dragging around their own heavy case of bricks.
- Derren Brown: What's important though is to mentally stop time and return to that present moment and how we're treating ourselves and each other in the moment.
- Derren Brown: Because it's only the present moment that has the power to be utterly compelling and rich and vibrant as if that moment were you're first.
- Derren Brown: Or as if it were you last.
- Derren Brown: You are the miracle!