I was skeptical going into this movie. Hearing that the critics scores were all 5-7 ish stars out of 10, and the fact that the movie was going out of theaters so soon, I felt I was risking some bucks going in I'll admit. But I skimmed over the audience reviews, (ALWAYS listen to audience instead of critics), and I didn't hear one bad review so I decided to go in. Didn't regret a penny. I brought my dad with me (someone who doesn't even enjoy horror movies), and he said it was one of the craziest movies he's seen in a long time.
(Without spoilers given), this movie is nothing like the original. This is a completely new and modern reimagining of the original film. No need to catch up on the previous movies.
Now I don't get scared by movies that easily personally, and other than 2 of the jumps, I wouldn't say this movie SCARED me. The best word to describe this movie is "unsettling". Child's Play definitely was NOT the cheesiest movie I've ever seen, but far from the word "scary". So if you're looking for a drop dead scary movie, this may not be it. But if you're a horror fan like I am, or can just appreciate a good movie, you will have fun.
The acting started off a bit stereotypical but you can forget about that about 15 minutes into it. I always worry about child actors, scared that they'll be your average whiny and screaming kids. But like "It" and "Stranger Things, this movie made sure the kid actors fit the role they played.
The kills were brutal, the music was intense, and (most) of the jump scares were played out the way the way they should be.
Hands down, I recommend seeing this movie while it's in theaters. If you can't catch it then, pick it up digitally or on disc. I think it's safe to say that horror movie remakes may actually have their place. If we can get more horror movies that have clever writing that appeals to the younger audiences of today, while also giving nostalgic horror movie vibes, you got my money. "It", "Halloween", and "Child's Play" have all done everything a horror movie remake should. I can't wait to see what horror movie gets remade next!!