Admiral Spruance (Judd Nelson) says he has 32 planes in the air and only six returned. The Enterprise had actually sent 57 planes (33 SBD Dauntlesses, 14 TBD Devastators and 10 F4F Wildcats) in their first strike against the Japanese fleet.
At 04:42, in the background, the radio announcer is announcing "the Japanese attacked Wake Island and this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island. At 04:49 President Roosevelt announcer the attack on Pearl Harbour.
At 08:05 in the rear seat of the Dauntless the gunner has just checked the twin .50" machine guns but there is no ammunition belts being fed into the weapons.
When the pilot is in the ocean, he goes to shoot himself, his hand under water has a glove on, but the next moment shows his hand with no glove on holding the revolvers.