Zed says "You've got an Avalon VT-737SP". David Bowie and Tony Visconti used one on the 2002 Bowie album "Heathen". The 737SP is a pre-amp / compressor which is used in recording studios to pre-process vocals.
The "The Greatest Hits Album - Beethoven" is from the Columbia label [CBS Inc.] (MG 31270), released in 1972 as a vinyl Classical double-album of works by the composer Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827).
When Carl says "It was Thursday 1979 Nov 7th" when he was abducted by aliens, he's mistaken: November 7, 1979 was a Wednesday.
Nike must have spent a lot on this movie. There are at least 4 closeups of his Nike sneakers then during the ride in the VW van there is a long closeup of her Converse (Nike) sneakers.
The GPS coordinates that Zed enters into his computer result in a location at the southern end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. It is actually 6 miles (not 60) to the nearest town called Sooke.