I had noticed this film in various streaming platforms the past few years but had been skipping on it having thought this was an actual documentary - when I noticed it was actually a mocumentary found footage type film I decided to finally give it a go as i'm a huge genre fan.
I will say the cinematography and acting were pretty good for an indie film like this but where things start to go sideways is that it's a really slow burn and there isn't much of a payoff at the end. There are some suspenseful and interesting moments heading into the films quick and abrupt conclusion but unfortunately the acting here begins to unravel and we have a lot of overacting taking away from what's supposed to be a suspenseful section. There's a "here's what happened" sequence where the conclusion is explained but it was rather thin and felt lazily done. That's unfortunate because if done right, this could have really made the buildup much more worthwhile.
Overall I'd recommend the film to genre fans but otherwise it's skippable.