I liked the first few of this series. The plots and mysteries were interesting and not blatant copies of older stories. I'm always a sucker for decoding secret messages.
However, some issues are turning up more and more with the more recent ones. It's getting a bit too pleasantville, for one. Everyone looks perfect all the time. More importantly, Jennifer outsmarts everyone else, including detectives, yet several life-and-death denouements in, she is still too dim to avoid or protect herself from danger.
The shannon kids and mr. Shannon are always so perfect they make my teeth hurt. Nobody's family is that perfect. The writer needs more time observing people "IRL", has so far not succeeded in molding real, believable characters who don't always say or do the right things. For instance, why woud jennifer keep giving away thousands in possible sales when she and her partner say they're barely keeping the lights on at the store.
Also, the whole cast should not look like they just came from the salon. The makeup sometimes looks too thick.
I hope they work on those points cos there are almost no mystery shows anymore lately. These movies are watchable.... hoping theyre a lot less cookie-cutter from now on. Garage Sale would double viewership easily.