31 reviews
The movie portrays 4 wannabee ghostbusters, it's a parody on the genre, and is full of over the top jokes. Do not take it too seriously, just have a laugh either way.
I really like brazilian cinema and I felt so happy that after many years we would have a horror movie, a genre that is very rare in our productions which is kind of strange because we are forced to work under very strict budgets. This movie, despite the very bad acting because the main cast are not composed by actors but stand up comedians, is a movie empty of meaning, is just the horror by itself. Crude and disgusting scenes without a good reasoning, there are no metaphores, there are no hidden messages, there are no reflections about anything. Is just a movie about showing gore and disgusting scenes with a political incorrect joke here and there, many very rooted on brazilian culture or based on main cast personal struggles against media also political bias. If you live abroad it very unlikely that you will understand or find it funny on those jokes without a proper context. Assuming that you are fond of this kind of film, go ahead. If you are a fan of good horror movies, stay away. It is a waste of time. And despite the english title, do not get fooled, it is not a movie about Bloody Mary, it is about a popular child's story from a "blond girl that haunts school's restrooms" in Brazil. It is a urban legend somewhat based on the american myth, but it is not the story per se.
- giovanifm-148-915302
- May 16, 2019
- Permalink
This movie is quite self aware to say the least. It is also quite silly (something the title might already suggest). Depending on your threshold and your taste in humor/silliness, you may like this more or less. Just because this is on the funny side though, do not expect it to be less violent - there will be blood and quite a lot of it.
Then again overall it does remain predictable. The main characters are either completely annoying to you or you'll find them enchanting (to a degree). Adjust your expactations accordingly and go on this silly ride if you please
Then again overall it does remain predictable. The main characters are either completely annoying to you or you'll find them enchanting (to a degree). Adjust your expactations accordingly and go on this silly ride if you please
I don't know why users rated IMDB so badly, the film is intentionally bad, trash film, that makes it funny, the fact that nothing makes sense and everything is exaggerated.
Note 10, the film is very funny and I had a lot of fun watching it.
Note 10, the film is very funny and I had a lot of fun watching it.
- lu_silvestri
- Feb 5, 2020
- Permalink
After having read some fairly bad reviews about this 2018 movie titled "Exterminadores do Além Contra a Loira do Banheiro" (aka "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary") then I must admit that I wasn't particularly hopeful for this movie. But still, the movie's cover was interesting and the title was alluring. Plus the facts that this was a horror comedy and a movie that I hadn't already seen weighed heavier than the bad reviews. So I ended up sitting down to watch it.
And color me impressed. Forget about the bad reviews, because "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary" is an entertaining and funny movie, very much in the same style such as "Shaun of the Dead" and "Lesbian Vampire Killers". I have to say that I was very surprised with the outcome of director Fabrício Bittar's movie. And it was a very positive surprise.
The storyline was enjoyable, and for a horror comedy such as this, then I will say that writers Fabrício Bittar, Andre Catarinacho and Danilo Gentili definitely managed to come up with something enjoyable, entertaining and unique enough to prove well-worth watching.
The movie had lots and lots of blood and gore in it, and that was definitely something that I enjoyed, so for a seasoned gorehound such as myself, I was definitely content with "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary". And the special effects were also rather good, which just added to the overall enjoyment.
Now, I haven't watched a whole lot of Portuguese movies, so I wasn't familiar with the casted actors and actresses that performed in the movie. But I will say that they definitely had a good ensemble of performers put together for the movie.
I found "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary" to be a good mixture of comedy and horror, with enough elements of both genres to make for a very wholehearted movie.
My rating of "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary" lands on a seven out of ten stars. If you enjoy horror comedies in the likes of "Lesbian Vampire Killers" or "Shaun of the Dead", then you definitely should sit down to watch "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary". Don't let the language discourage you, because this movie is definitely well-worth a watch.
And color me impressed. Forget about the bad reviews, because "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary" is an entertaining and funny movie, very much in the same style such as "Shaun of the Dead" and "Lesbian Vampire Killers". I have to say that I was very surprised with the outcome of director Fabrício Bittar's movie. And it was a very positive surprise.
The storyline was enjoyable, and for a horror comedy such as this, then I will say that writers Fabrício Bittar, Andre Catarinacho and Danilo Gentili definitely managed to come up with something enjoyable, entertaining and unique enough to prove well-worth watching.
The movie had lots and lots of blood and gore in it, and that was definitely something that I enjoyed, so for a seasoned gorehound such as myself, I was definitely content with "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary". And the special effects were also rather good, which just added to the overall enjoyment.
Now, I haven't watched a whole lot of Portuguese movies, so I wasn't familiar with the casted actors and actresses that performed in the movie. But I will say that they definitely had a good ensemble of performers put together for the movie.
I found "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary" to be a good mixture of comedy and horror, with enough elements of both genres to make for a very wholehearted movie.
My rating of "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary" lands on a seven out of ten stars. If you enjoy horror comedies in the likes of "Lesbian Vampire Killers" or "Shaun of the Dead", then you definitely should sit down to watch "Ghost Killers vs Bloody Mary". Don't let the language discourage you, because this movie is definitely well-worth a watch.
- paul_haakonsen
- Sep 25, 2020
- Permalink
This film I had no idea what it was about aside from reading a brief synopsis before it started when I attended the Nightmares Film Festival. I figured from the title and when it was shown that it probably would be lighter as the two films before it were heavier. It was actually the regional premiere so that was a cool aspect as well. The synopsis is four YouTubers with expertise in a supernatural events are seeking recognition from the audience whilst solving the urban legend of the Bathroom Blonde Case.
We begin with a small group of children that go into a bathroom and perform a variation on the Bloody Mary mythology. Instead of saying that name, they use the person's real name and it seems they successfully summoned something supernatural.
It then shifts to seeing a video for a show about Ghoulbusters, a knock off Ghost Hunting shows. We see that they're not very good at what they do and it seems like they never discover ghosts. It is a trio of Caroline (Dani Calabresa), Fred (Léo Lins) and Jack (Danilo Gentili). Behind the scenes is Túlio (Murilo Couto) who is the producer and does a little bit more than that as well.
We then see how well they're really doing. They're living in a building that belongs to Túlio's uncle. The uncle actually runs a butcher shop and he's not happy about it as they're behind on rent payments. The group is hoping that they'll make money off their YouTube channel, but it hasn't happened yet. They also hope it will be picked up for a pilot. Caroline is a psychic and thinks that an important call will come soon. That does end up happening as they're called to Thomas Edison High School.
Director Nogueira (Sikêra Junior) is looking to hire them, but he doesn't believe that it is haunted. He wants them to do what they do, pretend to defeat the ghost and to do a photo opportunity. Jack really pushes for more money and it backfires to them not getting the job. Nogueira changes his mind after an incident in the bathroom though, but not giving them the full amount they're asking for.
We then see what they really do and that they're frauds. The problem though is the bathroom seems to be really haunted by Bloody Mary (Pietra Quintela). They need to figure out how to defeat this ghost and her back-story might have help in that. This becomes a bloody ride though as people are possessed and others are killed during this battle for survival.
Now I'll be perfectly honest with you, this movie is definitely a dumb comedy. That is not to say that I didn't enjoy it though. I really like them mocking the whole idea of these Ghost Hunting shows you see all of the time. I personally do not believe that ghosts are real so I think these shows are really just bunch of frauds like we are seeing here. This group is over the top with it, which definitely makes it even better as well. I also like that they're doing their own twist on the Bloody Mary urban legend. Much like Candyman, I'm sure that we all heard our own variation on it from where we grew up, it just crazy this film is from Brazil and that it extended that far down.
We definitely get a feel of a partial found footage film here as well. Since these guys are on YouTube and filming themselves, there will be times where we get to see the footage they're making. This didn't have the highest budget, so we do get a lower quality feel to the movie itself, but I personally think that adds a bit of the charm. There is the built in reason why these guys continue to film when things go bad, as they need it to make money and it captures a sense of realism.
If you know me though, horror comedies are definitely hit or miss for me. I will be honest, I feel that it hurts the tension building in this since every time I start to worry about the characters, that tension is alleviated by comedy. What is interesting though, I wasn't sure if they were going to survive though or if they were even going to defeat the ghost. I will give it credit there and that it actually made me laugh out loud with some of the gags here. The ending was definitely something that I thought was hilarious with the turn that went as well. There is a slight social commentary with one of the teachers that I wasn't necessarily expecting, but it actually fits the climate of things in the United States with children and bullying. I like their take on it though.
This takes me to the acting of this one, which as a comedy it is over the top. Since that is the tone, I do think that the actors really do fit what they needed there. They're all distinct, which is definitely a solid move as well. Calabresa is pretty attractive, but she doesn't have the biggest role. Lins and Gentili are somewhat similar, with Fred a bit more over the top as their 'leader'. On the other side is Gentili as Jack who's the weapons expert. Couto is quite funny for the fact that no one listens to him and ignores any sort of plan he puts out there. I like how this night seems to break him and force him to be more assertive. It gives good character building. Along with the rest of the cast, they really do round out this one for what is needed.
I'll shift this to the effects. This one didn't have the biggest budget and they really did go CGI heavy here. I'm not going to hold it against the film too much, as some of it really looked good. There's some green-screen that I can do without and some of the creature effects are a bit wonky as well. I will say I like what they did to enhance the possessed eyes, there's some practical effects that really work and the there's actually quite a bit of blood that also looks good. I've also kind of touched on it already as well, the film is shot well and I think the found footage aspects really do work.
Now with that said, this film is a bit cheesy as a horror comedy, but I dug it. I thought the idea of taking these wannabe YouTube stars that have a ghost hunters' type show going up against a real ghost, especially since their frauds. I do really think that the acting couples with that and quite a bit of the comedy worked for me. There's a bit of social commentary with bullying here that I didn't mind. The pacing of this was good, it doesn't stay too long and it did keep me interested. The problem is just that the comedy aspect does hurt building real tension. The soundtrack didn't really stand out to me, but I did like the voice of the ghost we got here for sure. Overall I'd say this was an above average film that was quite fun. I will warn you that this is from Brazil, so I watched it with subtitles on. I do know it's a bit jumbled early on and then during the ending credits sequence, but other than that, it just felt natural.
We begin with a small group of children that go into a bathroom and perform a variation on the Bloody Mary mythology. Instead of saying that name, they use the person's real name and it seems they successfully summoned something supernatural.
It then shifts to seeing a video for a show about Ghoulbusters, a knock off Ghost Hunting shows. We see that they're not very good at what they do and it seems like they never discover ghosts. It is a trio of Caroline (Dani Calabresa), Fred (Léo Lins) and Jack (Danilo Gentili). Behind the scenes is Túlio (Murilo Couto) who is the producer and does a little bit more than that as well.
We then see how well they're really doing. They're living in a building that belongs to Túlio's uncle. The uncle actually runs a butcher shop and he's not happy about it as they're behind on rent payments. The group is hoping that they'll make money off their YouTube channel, but it hasn't happened yet. They also hope it will be picked up for a pilot. Caroline is a psychic and thinks that an important call will come soon. That does end up happening as they're called to Thomas Edison High School.
Director Nogueira (Sikêra Junior) is looking to hire them, but he doesn't believe that it is haunted. He wants them to do what they do, pretend to defeat the ghost and to do a photo opportunity. Jack really pushes for more money and it backfires to them not getting the job. Nogueira changes his mind after an incident in the bathroom though, but not giving them the full amount they're asking for.
We then see what they really do and that they're frauds. The problem though is the bathroom seems to be really haunted by Bloody Mary (Pietra Quintela). They need to figure out how to defeat this ghost and her back-story might have help in that. This becomes a bloody ride though as people are possessed and others are killed during this battle for survival.
Now I'll be perfectly honest with you, this movie is definitely a dumb comedy. That is not to say that I didn't enjoy it though. I really like them mocking the whole idea of these Ghost Hunting shows you see all of the time. I personally do not believe that ghosts are real so I think these shows are really just bunch of frauds like we are seeing here. This group is over the top with it, which definitely makes it even better as well. I also like that they're doing their own twist on the Bloody Mary urban legend. Much like Candyman, I'm sure that we all heard our own variation on it from where we grew up, it just crazy this film is from Brazil and that it extended that far down.
We definitely get a feel of a partial found footage film here as well. Since these guys are on YouTube and filming themselves, there will be times where we get to see the footage they're making. This didn't have the highest budget, so we do get a lower quality feel to the movie itself, but I personally think that adds a bit of the charm. There is the built in reason why these guys continue to film when things go bad, as they need it to make money and it captures a sense of realism.
If you know me though, horror comedies are definitely hit or miss for me. I will be honest, I feel that it hurts the tension building in this since every time I start to worry about the characters, that tension is alleviated by comedy. What is interesting though, I wasn't sure if they were going to survive though or if they were even going to defeat the ghost. I will give it credit there and that it actually made me laugh out loud with some of the gags here. The ending was definitely something that I thought was hilarious with the turn that went as well. There is a slight social commentary with one of the teachers that I wasn't necessarily expecting, but it actually fits the climate of things in the United States with children and bullying. I like their take on it though.
This takes me to the acting of this one, which as a comedy it is over the top. Since that is the tone, I do think that the actors really do fit what they needed there. They're all distinct, which is definitely a solid move as well. Calabresa is pretty attractive, but she doesn't have the biggest role. Lins and Gentili are somewhat similar, with Fred a bit more over the top as their 'leader'. On the other side is Gentili as Jack who's the weapons expert. Couto is quite funny for the fact that no one listens to him and ignores any sort of plan he puts out there. I like how this night seems to break him and force him to be more assertive. It gives good character building. Along with the rest of the cast, they really do round out this one for what is needed.
I'll shift this to the effects. This one didn't have the biggest budget and they really did go CGI heavy here. I'm not going to hold it against the film too much, as some of it really looked good. There's some green-screen that I can do without and some of the creature effects are a bit wonky as well. I will say I like what they did to enhance the possessed eyes, there's some practical effects that really work and the there's actually quite a bit of blood that also looks good. I've also kind of touched on it already as well, the film is shot well and I think the found footage aspects really do work.
Now with that said, this film is a bit cheesy as a horror comedy, but I dug it. I thought the idea of taking these wannabe YouTube stars that have a ghost hunters' type show going up against a real ghost, especially since their frauds. I do really think that the acting couples with that and quite a bit of the comedy worked for me. There's a bit of social commentary with bullying here that I didn't mind. The pacing of this was good, it doesn't stay too long and it did keep me interested. The problem is just that the comedy aspect does hurt building real tension. The soundtrack didn't really stand out to me, but I did like the voice of the ghost we got here for sure. Overall I'd say this was an above average film that was quite fun. I will warn you that this is from Brazil, so I watched it with subtitles on. I do know it's a bit jumbled early on and then during the ending credits sequence, but other than that, it just felt natural.
- Reviews_of_the_Dead
- Nov 7, 2019
- Permalink
It's supposedly a horror comedy, a tongue-in-cheek homage to Ghostbusters. But at the end, it's just not entertaining at all. The humor does not exist and the actors are just not funny rather than stupid. And you know there's no greater sin to a comedy than to be boring.
Not even the practical visual and makeup effects, done by some independent Brazilian artists, such as Kapel Furman, save this disgraceful movie.
Not even the practical visual and makeup effects, done by some independent Brazilian artists, such as Kapel Furman, save this disgraceful movie.
- conanthecinephile
- Mar 2, 2019
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- nogodnomasters
- Mar 13, 2020
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These presenters are very funny on TV here in Brazil, but in the movies they do not convince.
This film has a weak plot, is too bloody and the jokes are weak. I do not recommend.
This film has a weak plot, is too bloody and the jokes are weak. I do not recommend.
- jsoares-br
- Mar 11, 2019
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- zhexdiia_o
- Jul 22, 2020
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To make horror and fantasy in general in a third world country, as you can imagine, is a heroic task. And it's been that since the 60s, with the release of the first Zé do Caixão films, made by the legendary José Mojica Marins. Well, when you really know Mojica's movies, you know that they are not funny. They are bold, disturbing, uncompromising and provocative. Not a kid's play.
Danilo Gentilli and his entourage only bring shame to this really enduring legacy with this movie. It fails in every aspect.
Danilo Gentilli and his entourage only bring shame to this really enduring legacy with this movie. It fails in every aspect.
- mariangelaschumacher
- Mar 6, 2019
- Permalink
Brilliantly funny movie, it's cheesy and hilarious. The acting was great and there's some really goofy horiffic moments. It's a great film to purely entertain.
- philippabailey-81555
- Oct 6, 2020
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The film follows the steps of a group of YouTubers specialized in supernatural events and appearances. The group, which aims to gain public recognition, tries to unravel the urban legend of the bathroom blonde, a spirit that haunts school bathrooms in Brazil. Hoping to create a viral video, a group of YouTubers who investigate paranormal activity investigate the mystery of the ghost haunting school bathrooms.
Adorable Brazilian urban legend, the only reprehensible thing about this film is the mediocre participation of the equally mediocre minion Danilo Gentili... A scatological and stupid comic horror, that's not necessarily bad, I love the metalanguage jokes, and even the bad jokes were cool...
Adorable Brazilian urban legend, the only reprehensible thing about this film is the mediocre participation of the equally mediocre minion Danilo Gentili... A scatological and stupid comic horror, that's not necessarily bad, I love the metalanguage jokes, and even the bad jokes were cool...
- RosanaBotafogo
- Feb 29, 2024
- Permalink
People from TV should be prohibited to make cinema. Danilo Gentili, keep doing TV and don't try movies anymore. Brazilian comedies are not good already, but comedies starring Gentili are even worse.
- veteranoinca
- Mar 7, 2019
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- oldmanlogan-93268
- Mar 25, 2019
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Four paranormal investigators, trying to build a following on YouTube, take a job at a high-school that is purportedly being haunted by the vengeful spirit of a young girl known as Bloody Mary (AKA Cotton Girl), who has been summoned by one of the students.
With gags about H.I.V. and Parkinson's Disease, and scenes involving a used condom, a possessed foetus, and a slithering turd, Ghost Killers vs. Bloody Mary is a Brazilian horror comedy that aims for Peter Jackson-style bad taste splatstick, but never achieves that lofty aspiration. There's a fair amount of blood and gloopy fluids to appease gore-hounds, but the comedy simply isn't all that funny, and any goodwill towards the film quickly evaporates.
Sadly, director Fabrício Bittar doesn't know when to quit: the silliness goes on and on, with the evil spirit possessing one person after another ad nauseum, his film becoming very tedious and eventually clocking in at a whopping 103 minutes. There's a meta gag towards the film where one of the characters explains that if they had tried the plan he suggested early on (to repeat the ritual used to summon Bloody Mary, only in reverse), the film would have been twenty minutes long. I wish.
3.5/10, rounded up to 4 for IMDb.
With gags about H.I.V. and Parkinson's Disease, and scenes involving a used condom, a possessed foetus, and a slithering turd, Ghost Killers vs. Bloody Mary is a Brazilian horror comedy that aims for Peter Jackson-style bad taste splatstick, but never achieves that lofty aspiration. There's a fair amount of blood and gloopy fluids to appease gore-hounds, but the comedy simply isn't all that funny, and any goodwill towards the film quickly evaporates.
Sadly, director Fabrício Bittar doesn't know when to quit: the silliness goes on and on, with the evil spirit possessing one person after another ad nauseum, his film becoming very tedious and eventually clocking in at a whopping 103 minutes. There's a meta gag towards the film where one of the characters explains that if they had tried the plan he suggested early on (to repeat the ritual used to summon Bloody Mary, only in reverse), the film would have been twenty minutes long. I wish.
3.5/10, rounded up to 4 for IMDb.
- BA_Harrison
- Aug 24, 2019
- Permalink
It is a horror comedy that is not scary or funny...which defeats the purpose. It tries to be a direct parody of Ghostbusters but the characters appear more stupid then funny.
Positive point? Practical effects are better than expected.
Positive point? Practical effects are better than expected.
Attempting to land their big break, a group of struggling paranormal investigators agree to take on a seemingly simple case looking at a supposed ghost haunting a local high-school, but when they realize they're in over their heads try to use every trick they can to survive.
Frankly, this was an exceptionally enjoyable genre effort. What makes this one so much fun is the manner in which this mixes together it's comedic tones with straightforward haunting action. The starting point within the film is the silly and oftentimes hilarious comedy here that's exceptionally well-done and works nicely in the film, ranging from the running gags of the beleaguered camera-man being ignored despite being the most rational of the group, the disrespect for the landlord who wants their rent or the complete inability to recognize how a proper TV show runs as the group simply are incapable of anything that would make for a professional-looking product. Since no one takes them seriously despite their misguided intentions in believing that they're making something worthwhile, a stream of steady one-liners that are truly funny at building the characterization between them and some strong slapstick when required, there's a lot of great work at times here with the comedic aspects. On top of that, the film's haunting scenes work well enough that they're incredibly enjoyable. Playing with far more realistic and genuinely frightening tone against the silly comedy, there's even more to like with these elements in the film. The initial starting point in the school bathroom is a fantastic opening where it appears suddenly and provides a stellar jump-scare in the mirror, while the initial scenes of the group setting up the school for their show offer some great behind-the-scenes looks at what they're trying to accomplish in the course of the show. As well, the later scenes of the team being hunted by the ghost and the various reanimated bodies used to torment them offers some thrilling confrontations here including the scenes of the ghost unleashing surprise ambushes on the group being incredibly enjoyable with no one not knowing who's become possessed by the ghost. The other really strong aspect to this one is the great special effects work throughout the film that really enhances the ghost attacks. The bloodshed on display is outstanding, being truly practical work that utilizes everything from gratuitous blood spray onto every individual or surface in the vicinity, getting limbs snapped or ripped off and being cut into with a variety of instruments and sharp objects which go hand-in-hand with the stellar dissolves used to show the ghost leaving a possessed body. With others getting their body ripped to pieces or devoured with bloody chunks strewn all over, this makes for a great time throughout here with a furious pace that keeps this one moving along nicely. While it does tend to last a bit too long by presenting two different backstories for the ghost that aren't needed and by overall running on too long in general, there's not much that really hold this one down.
Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, sex and bodily-humor jokes and children-in-jeopardy.
Frankly, this was an exceptionally enjoyable genre effort. What makes this one so much fun is the manner in which this mixes together it's comedic tones with straightforward haunting action. The starting point within the film is the silly and oftentimes hilarious comedy here that's exceptionally well-done and works nicely in the film, ranging from the running gags of the beleaguered camera-man being ignored despite being the most rational of the group, the disrespect for the landlord who wants their rent or the complete inability to recognize how a proper TV show runs as the group simply are incapable of anything that would make for a professional-looking product. Since no one takes them seriously despite their misguided intentions in believing that they're making something worthwhile, a stream of steady one-liners that are truly funny at building the characterization between them and some strong slapstick when required, there's a lot of great work at times here with the comedic aspects. On top of that, the film's haunting scenes work well enough that they're incredibly enjoyable. Playing with far more realistic and genuinely frightening tone against the silly comedy, there's even more to like with these elements in the film. The initial starting point in the school bathroom is a fantastic opening where it appears suddenly and provides a stellar jump-scare in the mirror, while the initial scenes of the group setting up the school for their show offer some great behind-the-scenes looks at what they're trying to accomplish in the course of the show. As well, the later scenes of the team being hunted by the ghost and the various reanimated bodies used to torment them offers some thrilling confrontations here including the scenes of the ghost unleashing surprise ambushes on the group being incredibly enjoyable with no one not knowing who's become possessed by the ghost. The other really strong aspect to this one is the great special effects work throughout the film that really enhances the ghost attacks. The bloodshed on display is outstanding, being truly practical work that utilizes everything from gratuitous blood spray onto every individual or surface in the vicinity, getting limbs snapped or ripped off and being cut into with a variety of instruments and sharp objects which go hand-in-hand with the stellar dissolves used to show the ghost leaving a possessed body. With others getting their body ripped to pieces or devoured with bloody chunks strewn all over, this makes for a great time throughout here with a furious pace that keeps this one moving along nicely. While it does tend to last a bit too long by presenting two different backstories for the ghost that aren't needed and by overall running on too long in general, there's not much that really hold this one down.
Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, sex and bodily-humor jokes and children-in-jeopardy.
- kannibalcorpsegrinder
- Jun 19, 2019
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Unfortunately they are terrible actors, typical school presentation dialogues, they should be inspired by Supernatural series.
This is just another film that does a lot to try to be funny and scary and it is neither, a horrible parody of classics, the cast does not help at all and after a brief survey I saw that not even the Brazilians liked this film.
a lot of youtubers are actors in the film and the lead actor is a failed comedian with diverse defamation lawsuits. Brazil have Good movies but this one is not one of them.
- max-siqueira-1189
- Jul 14, 2020
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- costaonline
- Jan 1, 2021
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Those who are giving it a poor rating probably don't understand this movie was made to be bad. The bad acting, the overreacting, the literal references to other movies, the school clichés, the bad jokes... It's all on purpose, and it's hilarious once you accept it.
- larissa-yoshiura-877-962924
- Mar 12, 2019
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Danilo is a comedian and the television host of "The noite", a very popular show here, in Brazil, a crazy and funny show in fact. The film brings all the skills of Danilo and his mates in the show, Leo and Murilo, to create hilarious situations having the "Loira do banheiro", a famous urban legend , in the background. Tons of laughs and gore guaranteed.
- marcopalaria
- Feb 4, 2019
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Other reviewers are citing the terrible acting, terrible special effects, and ridiculous script and all are true and all are why this movie was fantastic. It has the over usage of fake blood like the Evil Dead movies. It has the acknowledgement of the stupidity of the characters like in Scary Movie and it completely plays off the classic scenes from Ghostbusters such as the cigarette gag. As stale as movies and TV shows have become from the regurgitation of old materials with reboots and sequels it was fun to watch something that did not take itself too seriously. This movie will go onto my cult classic movie list along with Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Bubba Ho-Tep, and Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.
This is a must see movie for all fans of horror movies. It is filled with non stop violence, blood, and was made for fans of horror movies. A MUST SEE MOVIE.
- Aug 13, 2019
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