Being someone who watches a lot of YouTube content and somewhat fascinated by YouTube success stories, I gave this a shot. And enjoyed parts of it.
Is it amazing? No. Is it cringe and over-the-top at times? Yes. But if you manage your expectations and treat it for the low budget attempt it is, some of its jokes and events will make you chuckle to yourself.
Its strongest facet, in my opinion, is its portrayal of the YouTube content creating world. Sure, it's exaggerated. But as the story and character develops (final third of movie), it hits the nail on the head with a certain section of the YouTube content-creating crowd. And I think the purpose of the movie is to expose (or poke fun) at THEM specifically. And for that reason, I commend this movie and its efforts.
Oh, and the acting weren't too bad either. The main lead for the most part (90%) goes for an annoying, selfish Dwight Schrute type character. But the very few subtle moments (10%) he shows a humane, compassionate side to a nice touch.