Just when you think that the 2017 "Strange Events" was bad, then 2 years later comes "Strange Events 2".
Indeed, I wasn't impressed with the 2017 movie "Strange Events", so why did I bother to sit down and watch the 2019 "Strange Events 2"? Well, solely because I was given the chance, and also because I believe in watching anything at least once - or at the very least give it a chance.
And I gave "Strange Events 2" a chance, I honestly did. I managed to endure 23 staggering minutes of pure self-inflicted torture before I gave up on this tedious pile of boredom. Actually, they ought to have changed the name to "Boring Things" already.
This was so unfathomably unappealing and lacked anything that would even resemble having anything interesting to offer.
I have absolutely zero interest in returning to watch the rest of "Strange Events 2", because I was bored out of my mind with the 23 minutes that I managed to suffer through.
But hey, on the upside, if you have problems sleeping, then "Strange Events 2" might just be the solution to your sleeping problems...