Hey! I finally found one that has an ending.
Whether it's satisfying is up to one's personal taste; I'm just stoked there was one.
For a movie of this low quality (which shouldn't be held against it, I think), I was surprisingly entertained. It may say more about me than the movie, but I do sometimes enjoy watching a downward spiral, and this thing provides.
I do believe, and this is not something you will hear from me again soon, that the movie could have benefited from a bit more oversight.
While Ande's descent was interesting to see, I got the feeling here and there that somebody sat behind the editing machine and went "Too much talking! Must cut!"
Perhaps a little more outside control would have helped with explaining parts of the plot, though it doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out how we got from one step to the next, and it might have negated the need for the man in the Exposition Van.
The lack of any fully functional microphones on set might also have factored into a few too many cuts. Some parts suffered from abysmal ADR, and it might be that other parts were unsalvageable.
I fully expected the acting to be subpar, and I knew I wasn't going to see big budget material. Maybe I enjoyed this more than I thought because my expectations were so low, but enjoy it I did.
Though, perhaps "enjoy" is not the right word. I don't think one can enjoy a subject like this, but it is interesting.
It's not a movie I'll watch again, but I don't regret watching it once.