Tyler Hynes credited as playing...
- Callie: Not a country music fan, I take it.
- Luke: It's not really on my playlist, no.
- Callie: You should give it a shot. Country music is special because it allows people to share their truth and to share their stories.
- Luke: Do all the stories have to be sad? I think I heard 'cheating heart' at least 100 times last night.
- Callie: Open mic night. The beginners go for Hank Williams. He's Willa's favorite. She says he's the Shakespeare of country music.
- Callie: My Grandpa Tucker always said, 'Success can be your servant or your master.'
- Luke: Tucker's got all the good lines, my goodness.
- Callie: He does.
- Callie: [Luke pulls a small notebook out of his back pocket] What's that?
- Luke: It's a notepad. I'm a filmmaker. You can't keep saying beautiful Southern things like that and expect me not to write em down.
- Callie: Well, it's a good thing my grandpa isn't here. You'd need a bigger notebook.
- Luke: Well, at least your dog's a fan of me.
- Callie: Yeah, well, he chases squirrels. I'm just saying... he goes for anything that walks.
- Luke: So, you're saying you don't want to join my fan club.
- Callie: Are you recruiting? Seems like a bad sign.
- Luke: Look, I haven't been myself lately. I'm sorry if I was rude.
- Callie: If?
- Luke: Hold on now, what about you? You left your guest stranded at the side of the road. That's bad manners.
- Callie: Sometimes bad feels so good.
- Luke: You have a really spectacular voice, Callie. You never thought about singing professionally? I don't understand.
- Callie: I mean, for the blink of an eye, probably, but in high school, I started volunteering at the VA, and I found my place.
- Luke: Nice.
- Callie: Sometimes, something you love isn't something you do.
- [Luke pulls out his notepad again to write down what she said]
- Luke: For the record, I don't hate all country music. I like Waylon Jennings.
- Callie: Liar.
- Luke: No, I'm telling the truth.
- Callie: Name one song.
- Luke: Okay, I can't name the song, but he recorded it with Willie Nelson, and the first line is something about a forgotten dream.
- Callie: 'Good Hearted Woman.' I'm impressed.
- Luke: Yeah, I don't why that line's always stuck in my head.
- Callie: I do.
- Luke: Why?
- Callie: Because it's true to life.
- Luke: Hold on now, here's a guess. You've got a shoebox under your bed with every ticket stub and note he ever left you, am I right?
- Callie: I do not.
- Luke: You're a terrible liar. He just asked you out, didn't he? What did you say? Did you say yes?
- Callie: I said I would think about it.
- Luke: Okay. Maybe say yes. Maybe go somewhere romantic. Everybody likes a happy ending.
- Callie: This is my life, not some movie you're directing. By the way, I think you should stick to science fiction. Romantic comedy's not really your thing.
- Callie: [after burning her hand] Who catches barbeque sauce on fire?
- Luke: You do.
- Callie: I swore I'd get it right before the festival.
- Luke: And I swore that I would have an Academy Award by the time I was 30. Things don't always go as planned, but that's alright. That's life. That's what makes it interesting. If you thought that I would be in a roadhouse diner at 2 in the morning wrapping a tiny, little hand in gauze, you would be wrong. I didn't know that.
- Callie: And it's interesting.
- Luke: Yeah, it is.
- Luke: [talking to Callie's ex-boyfriend Joe] There's something about her, though. That voice, my gosh. There's got to be a catch, though, right? I'm sure you've got your reasons. Silly as those might seem now. I mean, to someone like me, I just see someone who's beautiful. Charming. Lights up every room she walks into. Maybe that's just me.
- Luke: You've been gone for a long time, right? Not everything's going to be the same. Some things change. That's life.
- Callie: Some things never change.
- Luke: Name one.
- Callie: Well, how I feel about this town and the people here, and my family and the fact that we're always there for each other. That will never change. Sounds silly to you, doesn't it.
- Luke: No, actually, it sounds very nice. Just not sure I've ever had that.
- Callie: I'm sorry.
- Luke: I survived.
- Luke: Come on, how did it go with Joe?
- Callie: Wasn't a disaster, but... .it wasn't much of anything.
- Luke: I'm sorry.
- Callie: Don't be. I'm not. You were right, you know? People change. Things change. That's life.
- Luke: You're not disappointed?
- Callie: No, I'm learning the difference between ballast and baggage. One keeps you grounded and one holds you back.
- Luke: [Callie reads Luke's email to her with the subject line: Top ten Sci-fi movies] 1. The Day The Earth Stood Still 2. 2001: A Space Odyssey 3. Minority Report
- [the rest of the email isn't shown, but earlier he had mentioned other sci-fi movies including Blade Runner, Alien, Terminator, and Star Wars]