2018, showcases the resilience of Kerala during the devastating floods of 2018, movie takes us on a journey through the tough times of those who suffered from the floods and the bravery of those who rose to the occasion to help their fellow beings. The actors' performances in the movie are top-notch . Their portrayal of the emotions and struggles of those who went through the floods is heart-wrenching and deeply moving.
The direction of the movie is exceptional. The way the director has intertwined the stories of various people who were affected by the floods is brilliant. He has done an outstanding job in capturing the essence of Kerala and the resilience of its people.
The editing of the movie is seamless. The transitions between the various stories are smooth and keep the audience engaged throughout.. The music reflects the emotions of the various characters perfectly and adds to the overall impact of the movie.
Watching this movie made me appreciate the strength and courage of the people of Kerala, who stood together during the devastating floods of 2018. This movie is a tribute to their bravery, and I would highly recommend watching it to anyone looking to witness the power of human kindness and resilience.