- 2018
- 10m
The plot revolves around the life of Nihal, who is an employee in a local I.T firm. The short depicts the events unfolding in his life from an evening to night on an unusual day.Events depic... Read allThe plot revolves around the life of Nihal, who is an employee in a local I.T firm. The short depicts the events unfolding in his life from an evening to night on an unusual day.Events depicted in this short has an incredible coincidence to a true story that took place in Bengalu... Read allThe plot revolves around the life of Nihal, who is an employee in a local I.T firm. The short depicts the events unfolding in his life from an evening to night on an unusual day.Events depicted in this short has an incredible coincidence to a true story that took place in Bengaluru in 2016.