Rose Byrne credited as playing...
Faith Brewster
- Gary Zimmer: Look, whatever you think you saw tonight...
- Faith Brewster: You didn't. You actually saw what I saw, and I think that the American people...
- Gary Zimmer: Would agree with me...
- Faith Brewster: As long as I say it repeatedly, doggedly...
- Gary Zimmer: And with unearned confidence...
- Faith Brewster: I lie...
- Gary Zimmer: I am lying to you...
- Faith Brewster: And you know I lie. I'm actually in this position because of how effectively I lie to you. Are we clear?
- Gary Zimmer: We call this the spin room, without shame.
- Faith Brewster: Spinning is something you do to disorient people.
- Gary Zimmer: And you all know that, and yet, here we are.
- Faith Brewster: What a wonderful play we're putting on.
- Gary Zimmer: Thank you so much. And fuck you America.
- Faith Brewster: I look forward to lying to you in the future...
- [reporters shouting questions after in follow up]
- Gary Zimmer: See you at the bar.
- Faith Brewster: Now, can we just all go back to Washington and forget that we ever made camp in a place where the shit you skim off milk is considered a food?
- Gary Zimmer: They are called cheese curds, and they are delicious.
- Faith Brewster: They're disgusting.
- Gary Zimmer: And you can't make poutine without them.
- Gary Zimmer: Faith.
- Faith Brewster: Gary.
- Gary Zimmer: You seem to be doing a brisk business. Deerlaken: always. So, apparently, Deerlaken über alles was copyrighted?
- Faith Brewster: Well, we were gonna go with I'm with him until we remembered how fucking stupid it sounded.
- Gary Zimmer: No, no, no, no. I love it. I love the whole town genealogy angle. It's got a real bold you ain't from around here flavor.
- [Faith chuckles]
- Gary Zimmer: With subtle notes of, uh, xenophobia.
- [Faith chuckles again]
- Gary Zimmer: Not to mention the cognitive dissonance that your booth is basically a love letter to immigration.
- Faith Brewster: That's a great observation. So all these people are hypocrites? I'd run with that.
- Gary Zimmer: All you have is fear.
- Faith Brewster: Now we're getting somewhere.
- [Gary chuckles]
- Faith Brewster: 20 bucks says I do better with fear than you do with shame.
- Gary Zimmer: Oh.