Will Sasso credited as playing...
Big Mike
- Jack Hastings: [walks to the microphone at a city council meeting] Excuse me, fellas.
- Mayor Braun: Jack, I already told you, you can widen that easement on Hamburg...
- Jack Hastings: Um, actually, it's about that resolution you're thinking about passing.
- Mayor Braun: With all due respect, Colonel, that discussion has ended.
- Jack Hastings: Yeah, yeah. So I heard. But, uh... the thing is that, um... it's a bad idea.
- Big Mike: Y... you can't... Uh, okay, well, I already seconded, but whatever.
- Jack Hastings: I know we're in a bad spot, but... you can't bring it back by throwing these people under the bus.
- Mayor Braun: Whoa, we're not throwing anybody under anything, Jack.
- [scoffs]
- Mayor Braun: Money was tight when the base was still open, but now... I mean, we just got to be smart. We got to eliminate cheating the programs.
- Jack Hastings: There's not a damn soul using those programs that doesn't need 'em, and you know it.
- Mayor Braun: And all they need to do is produce the acceptable I.D., and the benefits will be...
- Jack Hastings: And you know they can't do that.
- Mayor Braun: Well...
- [scoffs]
- Mayor Braun: I don't make the rules, Jack.
- [all eyes look at the Mayor]
- Mayor Braun: I mean, I do, I guess. Not by myself, but... this is over.
- [Jack turns and begins to exit]
- Mayor Braun: Okay, we have a motion that has been seconded. It is time to bring it to a vote.
- Jack Hastings: [Jack turns about-face and returns] Uh, you know, uh, just curious... you know, when the river backed up and the folks you think might be cheating stood shoulder to shoulder with us stuffing sandbags for three days straight, ended up saving your store, you check their I.D.'s then?
- Mayor Braun: Discussion's closed, Jack!
- Jack Hastings: You checking I.D.'s when they're bringing food to the church
- [Mayor bangs gavel]
- Jack Hastings: potlucks, Walt?
- Mayor Braun: Enough, Jack. You had your say.
- [sighs]
- Mayor Braun: Look, we got rules here, but that don't make us bad people.
- Jack Hastings: I'm not saying you're a bad person, Billy. I'm saying you're scared. Hell, we all are. Damn town went from 15,000 to five overnight, and business went with it. We're not bringing it back by... by turning on each other. Corps taught me the chain's only as strong as its weakest link. And Father Heuvel here taught me that I am my brother's keeper.
- [...]
- Jack Hastings: Whatever you do for the least of us, you do for the Lord.
- [...]
- Jack Hastings: The point is, it's easy to be strong of character in the good times. The test is the bad times. If you can't live your principles then, well... I guess they aren't principles; they're just hobbies.
- Big Mike: You know what the real problem here is that the media is completely complicit in this sort of thing.
- Little Mike: Oh, I absolutely agree. I mean, it's like Neil Postman said... in entertaining ourselves, news has become entertainment.
- Big Mike: Yeah. Yeah.
- Little Mike: And when that happens... it's gone.
- Big Mike: Yeah.
- Little Mike: [...] It metastasizes, so it... it's growing and... and whatever, so...
- Big Mike: Yeah. Well, it becomes... it's sort of like any sort of autoimmune disorder.
- Little Mike: Yeah.
- Big Mike: It's like... it's like lupus. Know what I mean?
- Little Mike: That's actually a really great metaphor. That's... that's like...
- Big Mike: It's a simile.
- Little Mike: 'Cause you said...
- Big Mike: 'Cause I said... I said it's like.
- Little Mike: [realizes] You said it's like.
- Big Mike: Yeah, right. It's like lupus.