I wanted to like this show. I like ABC and I love the morning line up. I didn't mind they took away Rachael Ray, but was hoping I could vibe with her. I don't. Here are some of the reasons.
1) She talks over guests. She acts superior and when she has people on the show who know more than her, she feels like she needs to puff her chest.
2) she stands in the crowd above her guests which, to me, makes it so she above them.
3) she's a know it all.
4) her topics are boring. I want to wake up in the morning. Not fall asleep.
5) she plays devils advocate too often for people who don't deserve it.
3) in I think the third episode she called on someone to speak and the girl excitedly touched the mic and she snapped at her and said "I hold the microphone, this is my microphone"
Bring back Racheal or give us something to look forward too.