Marvel Rising: Initiation is a series revolving around teenaged superheroes, all mainly coming from more under represented groups and might not be the most well known. I find it good that they're trying to incorporate these characters as it doesn't seem like they're not represented a lot in much else. It started off being more about the story of Spider-Gwen in the first season with the short episodes. Honestly, I felt like her story could've been covered more in depth. As well, I felt like a couple characters were just dropped after not long since their introduction and not got any development since. I felt like all these characters had more development to get but just the development doesn't get touched on a lot. The action could be alright and some development is tied into raising stakes, though there should've been more to be done with the development, is what makes it average in my opinion and nothing too phenomenal. Though I haven't watched Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors as I didn't on the Marvel HQ YouTube channel. Overall , pretty alright series that could do more in the character development department.