The story of outspoken texas columnist molly ivins, born in 1944. Being the liberal in her own house, the state, and the newspapers where she worked. Interviews where ivins complains of being hired for her quirky humor that was always being changed and edited. Being friends with radio host john faulk, who had been accused of being a communist, due to his liberal talk. And apparently she angered several bosses who felt she was putting too much of her own politics into her stories and columns. But molly had the ability to be good friends with her very conservative friends. She claims it was her good natured spirit, humor, and education that allowed her to be great friends with governor ann richards.... who she had known even before richards got into politics. I'm glad there were so many live interviews of ivins saved for this documentary. Not many opposing views, which would be the mark of a really great documentary. Another complaint is that frequently, we don't know who is speaking; it would have been very helpful to caption exactly who we are hearing at any time. Mostly good stuff! Directed by janice engel.