Revelation (2020)
Sarah Ferguson: Self - Presenter
Self - Presenter : Can you begin by telling us who you are and what you did that you are so ashamed of?
Self - Catholic Priest : I'm Vincent Ryan, a Catholic priest. I'm ashamed because I sexually abused many boys.
Self - Presenter : What were the ages of those boys?
Self - Catholic Priest : From six to seventeen.
Self - Presenter : And how many of them were there?
Self - Catholic Priest : 33.
Self - Presenter : As a priest, you know there's a hierarchy of sin. Is there anything worse than the sexual abuse of a young child?
Self - Catholic Priest : I don't think so. I don't think so.
Self - Presenter : Can you be forgiven?
Self - Catholic Priest : By God. Most certainly by God.
Self - former police officer : The evidence as it was was pretty overwhelming. The jelly, use of lubricants. Even where tissue boxes were placed around.
Self - Presenter : What's that?
Self - former police officer : So what we have there is an instamatic camera.
Self - Presenter : And he used that to take pictures of the boys?
Self - former police officer : Yes, according to the boys statement, although I didn't find any of the photographs. That would have been an nail in his coffin.
Self - Catholic Priest : I took photos of them and I took photos of one of them pretending I was having anal intercourse with him, yeah.
Self - Presenter : And what did you do with the photos?
Self - Catholic Priest : I destroyed them.