- Roger Ebert [Brian Tallerico]
- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- New York Time [A.O. Scott]
- 1 of my Stories [Lindsey Dunn]
- 150Film [Emre Cogulu]
- Turkish
- 2 Film Critics [William Graebner, Dianne Bennett]
- 3 Brothers Film [Aren Bergstrom]
- 366 Weird Movies [Gregory J. Smalley]
- Acción Cine [Jesús Usero]
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- Always Good Movies [Filipe Freitas]
- Are You Screening? [Marc Eastman]
- Art House Film Wire [Jeff Mitchell]
- Art House Street [Alejandro Meroi]
- Artechock [Axel Timo Purr]
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- Artsforum Magazine [John Arkelian]
- Asbury Movies [Alessio Cappuccio]
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- Ashley Manning [Ashley Manning]
- audio\visuell [Christian Neffe]
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- Austin Chronicle [Richard Whittaker]
- Awards Watch [Ryan McQuade]
- Awesome Friday! [Matthew Simpson]
- Back to the Movies [Nick Clement]
- Badloopus [Maciej Bachorski]
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- BasementRejects.com [JPRoscoe]
- Benzine Mag [Eric Debarnot]
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- Big Screen - Good Book [Earl S. Gosnell III]
- Blood Brothers [Matt Reifschneider]
- Bohica [Doug Fisher]
- Boston Hassle [Oscar Goff]
- Brief Take [Daniel Reynolds]
- Bright Wall/Dark Room [Steven D. Greydanus]
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- Buffed Film Buffs [Raghav Raj]
- Bullz-Eye [Rob Dean]
- But Why Tho? A Geek Community [Kate Sánchez]
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- Caution Spoilers [Sarah]
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- Cereal at Midnight [Heath Holland]
- Charity's Place [Charity Bishop]
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- Cine-Rewind [Sung-Hyun Lee]
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- Cinecaps Digest
- Cineccentric [Alex Sitaras]
- Cineclub [Hüsna Yildiz]
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