In this anime series which is an adaptation of NSFW game of the same title, the protagonist Takato Keisuke and 6 others are locked up in a white room. They then are asked to play a weird gam... Read allIn this anime series which is an adaptation of NSFW game of the same title, the protagonist Takato Keisuke and 6 others are locked up in a white room. They then are asked to play a weird game by a mysterious voice. One of the girls named Miyako refuses to do so. At that moment th... Read allIn this anime series which is an adaptation of NSFW game of the same title, the protagonist Takato Keisuke and 6 others are locked up in a white room. They then are asked to play a weird game by a mysterious voice. One of the girls named Miyako refuses to do so. At that moment the lights go off and when the lights return, she is chained on a torture set and is given e... Read all