This is a difficult watch for a deeply-rooted Pride and Prejudice 1995 fan, who also happens to be a black woman.
In 1.5 hours, it may be nearly impossible to manage subtle character development from pride to humility, prejudice to justice. Even after getting that done, the writers must still allow for the preservation of appropriate pride. That's a difficult balance to strike. It was missed here.
Many nuanced story elements were also lost. For example, costumes are an important part of filmmaking, while these characters seemed to wear whatever they personally liked. There was no identifiable cultural standard being clearly displayed through costuming.
There were also misrepresentations of Austen's work that don't qualify as simple adjustments for uniqueness, such as with social class. The Bennet family was represented as lower middle class, if not outright poor. Austen's work suggests that the Bennets were upper middle class, while Bingley would have been top 5% and Darcy top 1%. It may be necessary to preserve original social class to prevent the Bennet girls from being detrimentally pitied.
Also, step parenting and pregnancy themes are probably to be avoided when remaking Austen. Such elements go beyond preference for choosing mates and introduce nearly insurmountable dealbreakers. It risks momentarily jolting the audience out of the story.
Worst of all, I perceived zero chemistry anywhere. Romantic and other declarations can be made without words, communicated through body language, facial expressions, and brilliant directing. Not here.
Pride and Prejudice Atlanta was untrue to the original intent of characters, extremely rushed, and...just rushed. It didn't work for me, but I'm thankful that is was clean!!! I'm also thankful that this filmmaker tried something very difficult. You're appreciated.